Yes, our Agency can help you resolve all of your problems, simply let us know what you need and a bit of time.
The most important component of a successful business, is the right man on the right spot. Finding the perfect employee is key to each dynamically developing company.
It is most curtail, that the candidate meets the specific requirements, in order to fulfill your needs.
We are able to meet all of your requirements, in finding the right man for the job. The people we will match you with are competent, trust worthy, and responsible. We have a vast candidate database, and many contacts, which will enable us to realize the even most difficult projects.
A diversity of companies we work with, and our own work specific give us the experience, which we wish to provide for you.
The employer user using the Agency is not responsible for any legal parts of the employment process. Legal regulations forbid the employer to employ any of his permanent employees as temporary one, to fulfill any additional work for them.
The employer user is obliged to inform the Agency of the salary and safety requirements for the work, before the any contract with the Temporary Employee will be signed.
According to legal regulations, the employer user is obliged to secure the employee with a safe and sound working environment, in specific by providing them with work clothes, shoes and safety gear if necessary. He also provides drink and food if required. All required training is also provided for by the employer. If any accident occurs, he is obliged to investigate and find out the reason of it happening and its result.
If an employee carries out his work for one employer, for at least 6 months, then the later is obliged to grant him absence of leave in the regulated scope at a decided time. All details must be discussed between the Agency and the Employer before hand and passed on to the Employee.
The Employer must keep record of the time of work, same as for all permanent employees. He also cannot delegate a temporary employee to work for a third party.
One should keep in mind that all changes in the scope of work and salary must be made as in a permanent employment case, that is by terminating the previous contract and signing a new one, even if the change would cover a period short as 3 months.
The Temporary employee cannot have worse work conditions or salary than permanent employees, fulfilling same or similar work obligations. It is one of the key legal rules, however if such problems occur, the employee has a possibility to file for a refund according to the Work Code but towards the Agency, not the employer.